Which of these is a fact?

A.It will be too difficult to get support from the Environmental Protection Agency to change the rules in favor of planting trees.
B.Factories that create nitrogen oxide should have to plant more trees in addition to using traditional forms of pollution control.
C.Government officials in Texas would be wise to plant a large forest rather than use scrubbers.
D.Many plants, and especially trees, capture pollution like nitrogen oxide when it hits their leaves.

D. Many plants, and especially trees, capture pollution like nitrogen oxide when it hits their leaves.

D.Many plants, and especially trees, capture pollution like nitrogen oxide when it hits their leaves.

Think about the news article. Which is the closest synonym for the word enforce?


B. Impose

To identify which of the statements is a fact, we need to evaluate each statement individually.

Statement A: "It will be too difficult to get support from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to change the rules in favor of planting trees."
This statement expresses an opinion or subjective assessment of the difficulty of obtaining support from the EPA. It cannot be considered a fact.

Statement B: "Factories that create nitrogen oxide should have to plant more trees in addition to using traditional forms of pollution control."
This statement represents a recommendation or suggestion rather than a factual statement. It may be based on scientific studies or opinions, but it does not qualify as a verifiable fact.

Statement C: "Government officials in Texas would be wise to plant a large forest rather than use scrubbers."
Similar to statement B, this sentence offers advice or an opinion, rather than stating a factual claim. It implies a value judgment about the optimum approach for government officials in Texas but lacks verifiable evidence.

Statement D: "Many plants, and especially trees, capture pollution like nitrogen oxide when it hits their leaves."
This statement is the only one that presents a verifiable fact. Research has shown that plants, including trees, possess the ability to absorb and capture pollutants such as nitrogen oxide through their leaves. This statement aligns with scientific knowledge and can be validated and supported with evidence.

Therefore, statement D, "Many plants, and especially trees, capture pollution like nitrogen oxide when it hits their leaves," is the fact among the given options.

According to the article, the reader can tell that __________.

A.The Nature Conservancy probably doesn't agree with many of the EPA's laws.
B.Timm Kroeger probably thinks that the cost of planting trees is not worth the result.
C.Jeff Wiegel is probably in favor of officials making a decision to plant new forests.
D.Dow Chemical will probably decide to relocate its Texas factory to Italy or Poland.

None of the given options can be inferred directly from the information provided in the question. The article does not mention any of the organizations or individuals mentioned in the options, and it does not provide any information about their opinions or decisions. Therefore, no inference can be made about any of these statements based on the given article.

The article states:

Before Houston, Texas, and its suburbs were built, a dense forest naturally purified the air along a stretch of the Texas Gulf Coast.

Which would be the closest synonym for the word purify?


D. Clean

This article could be placed in a group of news called "Environment." In which other group would this article fit best?

A.Pollution Solutions
B.Canadian Companies
C.Texan Leaders
D.Modern Suburbs

A. Pollution Solutions

The point (5, -3) is a solution to which system of equations?(1 point)

Unfortunately, without any given equations, it is not possible to determine which system of equations the point (5, -3) is a solution to.