Which sentence is correct about the petroleum and natural gas they are found through strip mining they are found in rock folds underneath the ocean floor they exist in solid state they are formed in low pressure conditions

The correct sentence is: "They are found in rock folds underneath the ocean floor." This sentence accurately describes the location where petroleum and natural gas are found.

The correct sentence is: "They exist in a solid state."

The correct sentence about petroleum and natural gas is "They are found in rock folds underneath the ocean floor."

To explain how to arrive at the correct answer, let's break down the given options:

1. "They are found through strip mining" - This is incorrect because strip mining refers to a surface mining technique used for extracting minerals or ores, such as coal or metals. It is not used for extracting petroleum or natural gas.

2. "They are found in rock folds underneath the ocean floor" - This is the correct sentence. Petroleum and natural gas are often found in rock formations that have been folded, faulted, or trapped beneath the ocean floor.

3. "They exist in solid state" - This is incorrect because petroleum and natural gas are hydrocarbons that exist as a mixture of liquid and gas. They are not solid at normal conditions.

4. "They are formed in low pressure conditions" - This is partially correct. Petroleum and natural gas are generated from organic matter under high temperatures and pressure over long periods of time. However, the pressure conditions during formation can vary and are not universally low.

In conclusion, the correct sentence is: "They are found in rock folds underneath the ocean floor."