Where is the part of speech located in a dictionary entry?(1 point)


in the numbered definitions that follow the entry word
in the numbered definitions that follow the entry word

after the pronunciation
after the pronunciation

in parentheses after the entry word
in parentheses after the entry word

before the entry word
before the entry word

in parentheses after the entry word

The part of speech is located in parentheses after the entry word in a dictionary entry.

The correct answer is "in parentheses after the entry word." In a dictionary entry, the part of speech is typically indicated using parentheses immediately after the entry word. For example, if you look up the word "apple" in a dictionary, you may see something like this:

Apple (noun): a round fruit with reddish or yellowish skin and crisp flesh.

In this example, "(noun)" indicates that "apple" is a noun. The part of speech is placed in parentheses to easily distinguish it from other information provided in the dictionary entry.