When we write nuclear reactions, you use the A-Z-X formatting. Match the symbols to the terms they represent.

Column A
Column B
a.Atomic Mass
b.Atomic Symbol
c.Atomic Number

Column A

1. A: a. Atomic Mass
2. Z: c. Atomic Number
3. X: b. Atomic Symbol

Column A

1. A: Atomic Mass
2. Z: Atomic Number
3. X: Atomic Symbol

Column B
a. Atomic Mass: A
b. Atomic Symbol: X
c. Atomic Number: Z

To match the symbols to the terms they represent in the A-Z-X formatting for nuclear reactions, we need to understand the meaning of each symbol:

1. A: A represents the atomic mass. It refers to the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom. The atomic mass is expressed in atomic mass units (u).

2. Z: Z represents the atomic number. It refers to the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom. The atomic number determines the element's identity.

3. X: X represents the atomic symbol. It is the symbol used to identify an element or atom. For example, "X" could stand for hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), carbon (C), etc.

So, matching the symbols to the terms in Column B:

1. A: a. Atomic Mass
2. Z: c. Atomic Number
3. X: b. Atomic Symbol