Which of the following is an example of an adverse impact

an employer uses a recruitment firm that welcomes every race and ethnicity
an administrative job requires the employee be able to lift over 100 pounds
a culinary position requires five years of experience in food service
an employer uses a firm that specifically hired people with disabilities

an administrative job requires the employee be able to lift over 100 pounds

An example of adverse impact in the given options is "an administrative job requires the employee be able to lift over 100 pounds."

An example of an adverse impact in the given options is:

- An administrative job that requires the employee to be able to lift over 100 pounds.

Adverse impact refers to a situation where employment practices, procedures, or policies unintentionally result in different outcomes for different protected groups, such as racial or ethnic groups, gender, age, or disability. In this case, the requirement to lift over 100 pounds can potentially have a discriminatory impact on individuals who may have difficulties meeting that physical requirement due to certain protected characteristics, such as gender or disability.