Which of the following explains how the Scientific Revolution influenced society?(1 point) Responses People wanted to explore truth and rationalism. People wanted to explore truth and rationalism. People were eager to follow the church’s advice. People were eager to follow the church’s advice. People wanted to believe as they always had and stick by the ancient Greeks’ findings. People wanted to believe as they always had and stick by the ancient Greeks’ findings. People wanted to be told how and what to think. People wanted to be told how and what to think.

The explanation that best aligns with how the Scientific Revolution influenced society is: People wanted to explore truth and rationalism.

The correct response is: People wanted to explore truth and rationalism.

The Scientific Revolution, which took place from the 16th to the 18th century, had a profound impact on society. During this period, people began to question traditional beliefs and authority, including the teachings of the church. Instead, they placed great emphasis on reason, experimentation, and empirical evidence to understand the natural world. This shift towards truth-seeking and rationalism had a transformative effect on various aspects of society, leading to advancements in scientific knowledge, technology, and the emergence of new philosophies that shaped modern society.

The correct answer is:

1. People wanted to explore truth and rationalism.

The Scientific Revolution, which took place from the 16th to the 18th centuries, was a period of significant advancements in scientific knowledge and understanding. It brought about a shift in thinking and a departure from the traditional beliefs and teachings of the Church.

During this period, many individuals began to question long-held beliefs and sought to explore truth and rationalism through observation, experimentation, and the scientific method. They were no longer satisfied with blindly accepting the ideas and teachings of the Church or relying solely on the ancient Greek thinkers. Instead, they wanted to investigate the world around them and uncover new knowledge through empirical evidence and logical reasoning.

The Scientific Revolution greatly influenced society by fostering an environment of curiosity, critical thinking, and the pursuit of knowledge. It led to significant advancements in various fields such as astronomy, physics, biology, and medicine, which in turn impacted society in numerous ways, from technological innovations to a greater understanding of the natural world.

So, to answer your question, the Scientific Revolution influenced society because people wanted to explore truth and rationalism, rather than blindly following the Church's advice or adhering to the ancient Greeks' findings.