today we went to Six flags, but it rained. Is a compound-complex sentence

Yes, "Today we went to Six flags, but it rained" is a compound-complex sentence. It consists of two independent clauses ("Today we went to Six flags" and "it rained") connected by the coordinating conjunction "but." Additionally, it contains a dependent clause ("but it rained") to provide additional information.

Yes, "Today we went to Six Flags, but it rained." is a compound-complex sentence. It is compound because it has two independent clauses connected by the coordinating conjunction "but." It is complex because it also contains a dependent clause.

To determine if the sentence "Today we went to Six Flags, but it rained" is a compound-complex sentence, we need to break it down and analyze its components.

First, we have the independent clause "Today we went to Six Flags." This is a simple sentence since it can stand alone and convey a complete thought.

Next, we have the conjunction "but," which indicates a contrast or contradiction. This signals the introduction of another independent clause, which is "it rained." This clause is also a simple sentence on its own.

Since we have two independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction, the sentence can be classified as a compound sentence.

Lastly, we should identify if there is a dependent clause present. In this case, there is no dependent clause within the sentence "Today we went to Six Flags, but it rained."

Therefore, the sentence "Today we went to Six Flags, but it rained" meets the criteria of a compound sentence but not a compound-complex sentence since it lacks a dependent clause.