If a person has high blood pressure, the first step a doctor might take is to prescribe a basic blood pressure medication that helps the kidneys remove sodium and water from the body. How does this medicine work to fix the issue?(1 point)


It reduces blood volume, reducing blood pressure.
It reduces blood volume, reducing blood pressure.

It improves blood quality, reducing blood pressure.
It improves blood quality, reducing blood pressure.

It decreases the likelihood of clots forming, reducing blood pressure.
It decreases the likelihood of clots forming, reducing blood pressure.

It removes blockages, reducing blood pressure.

It reduces blood volume, reducing blood pressure.

The correct response is:

It reduces blood volume, reducing blood pressure.

The correct answer is: It reduces blood volume, reducing blood pressure.

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, can lead to various health complications if left untreated. One common approach in the treatment of high blood pressure is the use of medications that help to lower it. Among these, there are certain medications that act as diuretics, specifically thiazide diuretics.

These medications work primarily by targeting the kidneys to increase the excretion of sodium and water from the body. By doing so, they reduce the volume of blood circulating in the body. When there is less fluid circulating, the overall blood volume decreases. As a result, the pressure against the walls of the arteries is reduced, leading to a decrease in blood pressure.

By reducing blood volume, these medications effectively lower blood pressure and help to manage hypertension. It's important to note that there are different types of blood pressure medications available, and the choice of medication may vary based on individual circumstances. Therefore, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the most appropriate treatment option for managing high blood pressure.