What is a visa in relation to immigration?(1 point)


dislike against and prejudice toward people from other countries
dislike against and prejudice toward people from other countries

money sent back to people in an immigrant’s home country
money sent back to people in an immigrant’s home country

official government documentation that authorizes a foreign person to enter, stay in, or leave a country
official government documentation that authorizes a foreign person to enter, stay in, or leave a country

an official relationship of a person belonging to a country where they are granted specific rights and obligated to fulfill certain responsibilities

an official government documentation that authorizes a foreign person to enter, stay in, or leave a country

The correct answer is:

- an official government documentation that authorizes a foreign person to enter, stay in, or leave a country

To find the answer, you can start by conducting a simple internet search using keywords such as "what is a visa in relation to immigration." This will lead you to various sources that provide information on visas and their role in immigration. You can then read through these sources to understand the definition and purpose of a visa. Additionally, you can refer to official government websites or immigration authorities for more accurate and detailed information.

The correct answer is:

official government documentation that authorizes a foreign person to enter, stay in, or leave a country