In England, the Great Council evolved into a powerful legislature known as the _____.

English Congress

Model Parliament

Norman Conquest

Magna Carta

Model Parliament

The correct answer is "Model Parliament." Model Parliament was a powerful legislature that evolved from the Great Council in England. It was a significant step towards establishing representative government in England and marked a transition towards a more organized and democratic political system.

The correct answer is "Model Parliament." To arrive at this answer, let's break down the question and its options:

1. English Congress: There is no historical evidence of an institution called the English Congress in the context of England's legislative evolution, so we can eliminate this option.
2. Norman Conquest: The Norman Conquest refers to the invasion of England by the Normans in 1066, led by William the Conqueror. While this event had significant political implications for England, it did not directly lead to the establishment of a powerful legislature. Thus, we can eliminate this option as well.
3. Magna Carta: The Magna Carta, also known as the Great Charter, was a document signed in 1215 that limited the powers of the English monarch and established certain legal rights and protections for the barons. While the Magna Carta was an important milestone in English legal history, it did not directly lead to the formation of a powerful legislature. Therefore, we can eliminate this option too.
4. Model Parliament: The Model Parliament refers to the establishment of a representative assembly in England in 1295. It consisted of two knights from each county, two burgesses from each borough, and representatives of the clergy. The Model Parliament played a crucial role in shaping the development of England's legislative system, eventually evolving into a powerful legislature. Therefore, this is the correct answer.

In summary, the correct answer is "Model Parliament" because it accurately embodies the historical development of England's legislature.


In 1066, _____ became king of England and made sure he would keep more power than the nobles.

Louis IX

King Henry III

William the Conqueror

King John

William the Conqueror