Judi has $100 and Eleanor has 75. Judy is saving five dollars per day and Eleanor 77 per day. What equation represents how much money Judy will have in total after saving for d days.

The equation that represents how much money Judy will have in total after saving for d days is:

Judy's initial money + (Judy's saving per day * number of days) = Judy's total money

$100 + ($5 x d) = Judy's total money

The equation representing how much money Judy will have in total after saving for d days can be calculated using the formula:

Judi's total money = Judi's initial money + (Judi's saving per day × number of days)
= $100 + ($5 × d)
= $100 + 5d

Therefore, the equation is: Judi's total money = $100 + 5d.

To determine the equation that represents the total amount of money Judi will have after saving for d days, we need to consider that Judi starts with $100 and saves $5 per day.

Let's break down the steps to build the equation:

1. Start with the initial amount: $100.
2. Determine how much money Judi saves per day: $5.
3. Calculate the total amount of money Judi saves after d days: 5 * d.
4. Add the total amount saved to the initial amount to find the equation: 100 + 5 * d.

Therefore, the equation that represents how much money Judi will have in total after saving for d days is:
Money_Judi = 100 + 5 * d