22. This sentence would be grammatically correct in Spanish:

► Play

O True O False



To determine whether the sentence "Play" is grammatically correct in Spanish, we need to consider a few things. In Spanish, the verb "play" can be translated as "jugar" or "tocar" depending on the context. However, in the given sentence, there is no subject or additional information that could clarify the intended meaning.

In Spanish, a complete sentence usually consists of a subject and a verb, or a subject and a predicate. Without more context, it doesn't appear to be a grammatically complete sentence. Therefore, the answer to the question is False.

To form a grammatically correct sentence in Spanish, you would need to include a subject and an appropriate verb. For example:
- "Yo juego" (I play)
- "Ellos tocan" (They play)

Remember, the specific translation may change depending on the context of the sentence.