another phrase for "Shaped its outcome"

"Dictated its result"

Another phrase for "shaped its outcome" could be "influenced the result" or "determined the end result".

To find alternative phrases, you could:

1. Use a thesaurus: A thesaurus is a helpful tool to explore synonyms and related words. You can search for the word "shaped" or "outcome" to find different phrases with similar meanings.

2. Brainstorm: Think of words or phrases that convey the idea of influencing or determining a result. Consider words like "dictated," "molded," "guided," "spearheaded," or "steered," and combine them with words like "result," "conclusion," "end," or "outcome."

3. Search online resources: Online resources such as dictionaries, phrase databases, or language forums often provide suggestions and examples for alternative phrases.

Remember to choose a phrase that best suits the context and conveys the intended meaning.

Another phrase for "shaped its outcome" could be "influenced the result" or "determined the end result."