A) Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the current immigration policies of the U.S. and Canada? (1 point)

Canada accepts fewer refugees than the U.S.
Both countries focus on employment as a key path for migration.
Neither country allows immigrants from Asia.
The U.S. has a larger percent of the population that is foreign-born.

The correct answer is: Both countries focus on employment as a key path for migration.

To determine the accurate comparison of the current immigration policies of the U.S. and Canada, we need to evaluate each option.

A) Canada accepts fewer refugees than the U.S.
To find out whether Canada accepts fewer refugees than the U.S., we can consult official government sources or reputable news articles. We can look for data on the number of refugees accepted by each country in recent years. For example, we can visit the government websites of both countries or consult reports from international organizations such as the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

B) Both countries focus on employment as a key path for migration.
To verify whether both countries focus on employment as a key path for migration, we can examine their respective immigration policies. We can visit the official government websites of the U.S. and Canada to access their immigration policies, which are typically published online. By reviewing these policies, we can determine if employment is a prominent factor in their immigration criteria.

C) Neither country allows immigrants from Asia.
To confirm whether neither country allows immigrants from Asia, we can again refer to official government sources, such as the U.S. Department of State and the Canadian government's immigration website. These sources provide information on the eligibility criteria for immigration, including whether individuals from Asia are eligible.

D) The U.S. has a larger percent of the population that is foreign-born.
To determine whether the U.S. has a larger percentage of the population that is foreign-born, we can consult demographic data from reputable sources such as the U.S. Census Bureau and Statistics Canada. These organizations gather and publish data on the foreign-born population in each country, allowing us to compare their proportions.

By conducting research using reliable sources, we can find the accurate comparison between the current immigration policies of the U.S. and Canada. Remember to rely on official government sources, reputable news articles, and statistical data to ensure accurate information.

The accurate comparison of the current immigration policies of the U.S. and Canada is that both countries focus on employment as a key path for migration.