Use the R.A.C.E. Writing Stragegy to answer the following question: Which geographic feature did the Penobscot people build their lives around?

The Penobscot people built their lives around the Penobscot River.

To answer the question using the R.A.C.E. writing strategy, follow the steps below:

1. Restate the question: The Penobscot people built their lives around which geographic feature?

2. Answer the question using evidence: The geographic feature that the Penobscot people built their lives around was the Penobscot River.

3. Cite evidence: You can find evidence by conducting research on the Penobscot people. Historical books, articles, or websites about Native American tribes in the Northeastern United States can provide information about the Penobscot people's relationship with the Penobscot River.

4. Expand and explain: The Penobscot River served as a significant geographic feature for the Penobscot people. They relied on the river for various purposes. It provided them with a source of water for drinking, cooking, and irrigation for their crops. The river was also an abundant source of fish, which constituted a crucial part of their diet and sustained their livelihoods. Additionally, the Penobscot River was utilized for transportation, enabling the Penobscot people to travel throughout their territory and trade with neighboring tribes.

Therefore, using the R.A.C.E. writing strategy, the Penobscot people built their lives around the Penobscot River as it provided them with water, food, transportation, and facilitated trade.

The R.A.C.E. writing strategy is a helpful framework for constructing a thoughtful and well-structured response. Here is how it can be applied to answer the question about the geographic feature the Penobscot people built their lives around:

R - Restate the question:
The Penobscot people built their lives around which geographic feature?

A - Answer the question:
The geographic feature that the Penobscot people built their lives around was the Penobscot River in Maine.

C - Cite evidence:
According to historical records and anthropological studies, the Penobscot people relied heavily on the Penobscot River for various aspects of their daily lives. For instance, they used the river as a vital transportation route for travel, trade, and communication between villages or settlements. Additionally, the river served as a crucial source of food, especially fish, which was a staple in their diet. The Penobscot people also derived resources such as fresh water and medicinal plants from the river and its surrounding areas.

E - Explain and/or elaborate:
The reliance on the Penobscot River was not only practical but also had cultural and spiritual significance for the Penobscot people. The river played an integral role in their traditions, ceremonies, and stories, acting as a symbol of their connection to nature and their tribal heritage. The Penobscot people's strong bond with the river was demonstrated through their nurturing of the land surrounding it and their sustainable practices to ensure the resources would continue to support their way of life.

In summary, the geographic feature that the Penobscot people built their lives around was the Penobscot River. They relied on it for transportation, food, resources, and cultural significance, making it an essential aspect of their livelihood.