Which of the following is NOT a step in the entrepreneurial discovery process?

a. Determine opportunities for venture
b. Implementation
c. Generate venture ideas
d. Flexibility

b. Implementation

d. Flexibility is NOT a step in the entrepreneurial discovery process.

To determine which of the given options is NOT a step in the entrepreneurial discovery process, we need to understand what the entrepreneurial discovery process is and then analyze each option.

The entrepreneurial discovery process refers to the process of identifying and developing new business opportunities. It involves several steps, including:

1. Generate venture ideas: This step involves brainstorming and generating ideas for potential business opportunities.

2. Determine opportunities for venture: Once the ideas are generated, this step involves evaluating and analyzing the potential opportunities to determine which ones are viable and have the potential for success.

3. Implementation: Once the opportunities are identified, this step involves taking action to turn the ideas into reality. It includes creating a business plan, securing resources, and executing the plan.

4. Flexibility: This step involves being open to adapting and adjusting the business plan and strategies based on market feedback and changing circumstances.

Now, let's analyze each option:

a. Determine opportunities for venture: This aligns with step 2 of the entrepreneurial discovery process, where opportunities are evaluated and analyzed. Therefore, this option is a step in the process.

b. Implementation: This aligns with step 3 of the entrepreneurial discovery process, where the identified opportunities are put into action. Therefore, this option is also a step in the process.

c. Generate venture ideas: This aligns with step 1 of the entrepreneurial discovery process, where ideas are generated. Therefore, this option is a step in the process.

d. Flexibility: This option does not align with any specific step in the entrepreneurial discovery process. It is a quality or characteristic that entrepreneurs should possess to succeed, but it is not a step in the process itself. Therefore, the correct answer is option d, "Flexibility."

In summary, option d, "Flexibility," is the answer as it is not a step in the entrepreneurial discovery process.