What does the acronym P.I.E. stand for in this lesson?

purpose, intent, evaluate
punctuate, indent, exclamation
persuade, inform, entertain

persuade, inform, entertain

The acronym P.I.E. stands for Persuade, Inform, and Entertain.

To find the answer to the acronym P.I.E. in this lesson, we can refer to the lesson material or use an online search engine. Let's do an online search to find the most common definition for this acronym.

Step 1: Open an internet browser.
Step 2: Go to a search engine website, such as Google.
Step 3: In the search bar, type "What does P.I.E. stand for in writing?"
Step 4: Press Enter or click on the search button.
Step 5: Look for trusted sources, such as educational websites or writing resources, that provide the definition of P.I.E. in the context of writing.
Step 6: Review the information provided by the sources to find the most common definition used in writing.

Based on the search results, the most common definition for the acronym P.I.E. in writing is:
Persuade, Inform, Entertain.

Therefore, in this lesson, the acronym P.I.E. stands for Persuade, Inform, Entertain.