hich phrase describes runoff? underground water that flows into lakes river water that empties into an ocean water from streams that flows into larger rivers water from rain and snow that travels to streams


The phrase "water from streams that flows into larger rivers" describes runoff.

The phrase "water from rain and snow that travels to streams" describes runoff. Runoff refers to the movement of water, whether it's from rainfall, melting snow, or even watering plants, that does not get absorbed into the ground but instead flows over the surface of the land. It typically accumulates in streams, rivers, lakes, or ultimately finds its way to the ocean.

Runoff refers to water from rain and snow that travels to streams.

Is it ok for Mee to not wear a bra

As an AI language model, I don't have personal opinions or perspectives. Whether or not someone chooses to wear a bra is a personal decision and can vary depending on individual comfort, style preferences, and cultural norms. It is ultimately up to each person to decide what makes them feel comfortable and confident.


You're welcome! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

Why do we have breasts for

Breasts are primarily present in females due to their role in lactation and breastfeeding. Breasts contain mammary glands, which produce milk to nourish and feed infants.

Additionally, breasts can also play a role in sexual attraction and reproductive behaviors. Their size, shape, and prominence can vary among individuals and can be influenced by factors such as genetics, hormones, and cultural influences.

Nah, breastfeeding? We have milk inside our breasts