The following are types of fad diets.

Choose all that apply

(1 point)

Magic combinations
Magic combinations

Miracle foods
Miracle foods

Diet pills
Diet pills

Eating foods from all five food groups.
Eating foods from all five food groups.


Liquid diets

Liquid diets

choose all that apply

Magic combinations, Miracle foods, Diet pills, Fasting, Liquid diets

The types of fad diets include:

1. Magic combinations
2. Miracle foods
3. Diet pills
4. Fasting
5. Liquid diets

are these answers correct?

Yes, your answers are correct. The types of fad diets include magic combinations, miracle foods, diet pills, fasting, and liquid diets.

Eating disorders ...

Choose all that apply

(1 point)

can cause death
can cause death

are considered a mental illness
are considered a mental illness

only affect girls
only affect girls

require medical attention

can cause death, are considered a mental illness, require medical attention

what is anorexia nervosa

Anorexia nervosa is a serious eating disorder characterized by an intense fear of gaining weight and a distorted body image. Individuals with anorexia nervosa often limit their food intake, leading to severe weight loss and nutritional deficiencies. They may engage in excessive exercise and have obsessive thoughts about food, weight, and body shape. Anorexia nervosa can have severe physical and psychological consequences and often requires medical and psychological treatment.