This famous person helped to free the most territories from Spain.(1 point)

A. Jose de San Martin
B. Miguel Hidalgo
C. Simón Bolivar
D. Ernesto Lecuona

C. Simón Bolivar

The correct answer is C. Simón Bolivar.

Here are the steps taken by Simón Bolivar to help free the most territories from Spain:

1. Bolivar was a key figure during the Latin American Wars of Independence, which were fought in the early 19th century.
2. He led the liberation movements in several present-day countries, including Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia.
3. Bolivar's military campaigns and political leadership were instrumental in achieving independence for these territories from Spanish colonial rule.
4. His most notable military victories include the Battle of Boyacá in 1819, which secured independence for Gran Colombia (modern-day Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Panama), and the Battle of Ayacucho in 1824, which sealed the liberation of Peru.
5. Bolivar's vision extended beyond military conquest, and he played a crucial role in the establishment of republican governments and the abolition of slavery in the newly liberated nations.
6. Though he faced challenges and political instability in the aftermath of liberation, Bolivar's efforts significantly contributed to the freedom of numerous territories from Spanish control.

Therefore, Simón Bolivar is the correct answer as the famous person who helped free the most territories from Spain.

To determine the famous person who helped free the most territories from Spain, we need to review the historical context and the roles of each individual.

A. Jose de San Martin: Jose de San Martin was an Argentine general and one of the primary leaders of the South American wars of independence. He was a vital figure in liberating Argentina, Chile, and Peru from Spanish rule.

B. Miguel Hidalgo: Miguel Hidalgo was a Mexican Roman Catholic priest and a leader of the Mexican War of Independence. While he played a significant role in initiating the fight for Mexican independence, he did not personally free territories from Spanish control.

C. Simón Bolivar: Simón Bolivar was a Venezuelan military and political leader who played a crucial role in several South American countries' independence struggles. Often referred to as "The Liberator," Bolivar was instrumental in freeing many territories from Spanish rule, such as Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia.

D. Ernesto Lecuona: Ernesto Lecuona was a Cuban composer and pianist. While he made remarkable contributions to music, he is not known for his involvement in liberating territories from Spanish colonization.

Based on their contributions and roles in history, the famous person who helped free the most territories from Spain would be C. Simón Bolivar.