Ptolemy would use the heliocentric model and copernicus would use the geocentric model true or false

False. Ptolemy, an ancient Greek astronomer, proposed the geocentric model, which placed the Earth at the center of the universe. Copernicus, on the other hand, proposed the heliocentric model, which placed the Sun at the center of the solar system.


Ptolemy actually proposed and popularized the geocentric model of the universe, where the Earth was believed to be at the center of the universe, and all other celestial bodies, including the Sun, planets, and stars, revolved around it. Ptolemy's model was widely accepted for centuries and was consistently refined over time.

On the other hand, Copernicus introduced the heliocentric model, which placed the Sun at the center of the solar system, with the planets, including Earth, orbiting around it. His revolutionary theory challenged the prevailing geocentric model and marked the beginning of the Copernican Revolution.

So, Ptolemy used the geocentric model, while Copernicus advocated for the heliocentric model.

False. Ptolemy actually proposed the geocentric model, where the Earth is considered to be at the center of the universe, and Copernicus proposed the heliocentric model, where the Sun is considered to be at the center and the planets orbit around it.