There are different methods to electrically charge an object. Which method involves charging a conductor by bringing it near another charged object without the objects touching. (1 point)






Induction is the correct method that involves charging a conductor by bringing it near another charged object without the objects touching.

The method that involves charging a conductor by bringing it near another charged object without the objects touching is called "Induction."

The method that involves charging a conductor by bringing it near another charged object without the objects touching is called induction.

To understand how induction works, let's first discuss the concept of charging by contact or conduction. In conduction, an object becomes charged when it comes into direct contact with another charged object. For example, if you rub a balloon against your hair (friction), the balloon becomes charged by picking up electrons from your hair through contact.

However, with induction, charging occurs without direct contact between the objects. Here's how it works:

1. Start with a neutral conductor: Begin with a conductor, such as a neutral metal object like a utensil or a balloon.

2. Bring a charged object nearby: Next, bring a charged object close to the conductor without touching it. This charged object could be another balloon that you have rubbed against your hair or any other object that carries a charge.

3. Electrons redistribute: As the charged object gets closer to the neutral conductor, the electrons in the conductor can move. They are attracted to the positive charge if the nearby object is negatively charged or repelled by the negative charge if the nearby object is positively charged.

4. Grounding or disconnecting: At this point, you have induced a charge in the conductor. To make this induced charge permanent, you have two options. You can either ground the conductor by connecting it to a larger conductive object, like the Earth, or you can disconnect the conductor from the charged object while keeping it separated.

5. Result: The conductor now carries a charge opposite to that of the nearby object. If the nearby object was negatively charged, the conductor will have a positive charge, and if the nearby object was positively charged, the conductor will have a negative charge.

So, to summarize, the method that involves charging a conductor by bringing it near another charged object without the objects touching is called induction. It relies on the redistribution of electrons in the conductor due to the influence of the nearby charged object.