Look at the picture and find the sentence that matches.(1 point)

A. La computadora está detrás del escritorio.

B. La computadora está encima del escritorio.

C. La computadora está al lado del escritorio.

D. La computadora está debajo del escritorio.

It is not possible to answer this question without the accompanying picture.

To answer this question, we need to analyze the picture and identify the location of the computer in relation to the desk. Based on the options given, we can determine that the sentence which matches the picture is:

C. La computadora está al lado del escritorio.

This sentence translates to "The computer is next to the desk" which accurately describes the position of the computer in the picture.

To find the sentence that matches the picture, you need to analyze the location of the computer in relation to the desk. Here's a breakdown of each sentence option and its meaning in English:

A. "La computadora está detrás del escritorio" means "The computer is behind the desk." This option describes the computer being positioned at the back of the desk.

B. "La computadora está encima del escritorio" means "The computer is on top of the desk." This option suggests that the computer is placed directly on the surface of the desk.

C. "La computadora está al lado del escritorio" means "The computer is beside the desk." This option indicates that the computer is positioned next to the desk.

D. "La computadora está debajo del escritorio" means "The computer is underneath the desk." This option describes the computer being located below or beneath the desk.

Based on the provided options, you should carefully observe the picture and identify how the computer relates to the desk in terms of position or location. By comparing the image to the descriptions, you can determine the correct sentence that matches the picture.