True or false: In The Red Badge of Courage, Henry and Wilson went in search of water and afterward lingered in order to escape fighting.

(1 point)




"Trees, confronting him, stretched out their arms and forbade him to pass."

In The Red Badge of Courage, how did Henry view himself in the lull following the fighting?

(1 point)

He was extremely pleased with his performance in battle.
He was extremely pleased with his performance in battle.

He was ashamed of his actions and filled with guilt.
He was ashamed of his actions and filled with guilt.

He was afraid of how he might perform in the next fight.


In The Red Badge of Courage, Henry and Wilson did go in search of water, but they did not linger afterward to escape fighting. They eventually returned to their regiment and participated in battle.

Identify which of the following sentences from The Red Badge of Courage contains personification.

(1 point)

“The insects were making rhythmical noises.”
“The insects were making rhythmical noises.”

“Pine needles were a gentle brown carpet.”
“Pine needles were a gentle brown carpet.”

“Trees, confronting him, stretched out their arms and forbade him to pass.”

To determine if the statement is true or false, we can consult the text of The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane. The best approach is to find and examine the relevant passages that describe what happened to Henry and Wilson in regards to their search for water and their desire to avoid fighting. By doing this, we can ascertain the accuracy of the statement.

He was afraid of how he might perform in the next fight.