What is a way to block malware from infecting your personal computing device? Choose the answer.

Question 14 options:

Download and install an update.

Install and run antimalware software.

Change your password.

Change the router's password.

Install and run antimalware software.

The correct answer is: Install and run antimalware software.

The answer to the question "What is a way to block malware from infecting your personal computing device?" is to install and run antimalware software.

To get this answer, we can eliminate the other options and focus on the one that specifically pertains to blocking malware.

1. Downloading and installing an update: While keeping your device up to date with the latest software updates is important for security, it does not solely address the issue of malware. Updates primarily patch vulnerabilities and fix bugs, but they do not specifically block malware.

2. Changing your password: Changing your password can be a good practice for account security, but it does not directly protect your device from malware. It helps against unauthorized access and data breaches, but not against malware infections.

3. Changing the router's password: Changing the router's password is also a good security measure to prevent unauthorized access to your network. However, it does not directly block malware from infecting your personal computing device.

Therefore, the correct answer is to "Install and run antimalware software." Antimalware software is specifically designed to detect, block, and remove malware from your device. It scans files and processes, identifies malicious software, and helps protect your device from various types of malware threats.