Light travels about 186000mi / s The function d(t) = 186000t gives the distance d(t) in miles, that light travels in t seconds. How far does light travel in 34 s?

d(34) = _ miles

To find how far light travels in 34 seconds, we can substitute t = 34 into the given function:

d(34) = 186000 * 34 = 6324000

Therefore, light travels 6324000 miles in 34 seconds.

To find the distance light travels in 34 seconds using the function d(t) = 186000t, you need to substitute t = 34 into the equation.

So, d(34) = 186000 * 34

To calculate this, you simply need to multiply 186000 by 34.

d(34) = 6,324,000 miles

Therefore, light travels approximately 6,324,000 miles in 34 seconds.

To find how far light travels in 34 seconds, we can simply plug in the value of t into the given function, d(t) = 186000t.

So, to calculate d(34), we substitute t = 34 into the function:

d(34) = 186000 * 34

Now we can calculate:

d(34) = 6,324,000 miles

Therefore, light travels approximately 6,324,000 miles in 34 seconds.