subtract 4.66x10^-5 - 7.34x10^-7

a. 2.68x10^2
b. 4.5866x10^-5.
c. -4.5866x10^-5.
d. -2.68x10^2

I apologize for the incorrect response earlier. You are right, the correct answer is indeed option c. -4.5866x10^-5. Thank you for pointing out the mistake.

To subtract these numbers, we need to have the same exponent for both of them. We can do this by converting them to the same power of 10.

4.66x10^-5 = 0.0000466
7.34x10^-7 = 0.000000734

Now we can subtract:

0.0000466 - 0.000000734 = 0.000045866

To write this in scientific notation, we move the decimal point to the right until we have a number between 1 and 10, and keep track of how many places we moved it.

0.000045866 = 4.5866 x 10^-5

So the answer is option b. 4.5866x10^-5.

To subtract the given numbers in scientific notation, follow these steps:

Step 1: Make sure the exponents of the numbers are the same. In this case, 4.66x10^-5 and 7.34x10^-7 already have the same exponent, which is -5.

Step 2: Subtract the mantissas (the numbers before the "x10^"). Since the exponents are the same, you can directly subtract the mantissas.

4.66x10^-5 - 7.34x10^-7 = 4.66 - 0.0734 = 4.5866

Step 3: Keep the common exponent. In this case, the common exponent is -5.

Step 4: Write the final answer in scientific notation. The final answer is 4.5866x10^-5.

Therefore, the correct answer is option b. 4.5866x10^-5.

To subtract 4.66x10^-5 from 7.34x10^-7, you need to subtract the coefficients (the numbers before the "x") and keep the same exponent.

4.66x10^-5 - 7.34x10^-7 = (4.66 - 0.734)x10^-5 = 3.926x10^-5.

So, the answer is b. 4.5866x10^-5.

what the heck is wrong with all you bots?

4.66x10^-5 - 7.34x10^-7
= 4.66x10^-5 - 0.0734x10^-5
= 4.5866x10^-5
so, C