Suppose contact lenses cost $300 for a year’s supply or $30 for a month’s supply. Which is less expensive to order per year, paying for 12 months at one time or paying for 1 month at a time?(1 point) month(s) at a time

To determine which option is less expensive, we need to compare the cost of ordering contact lenses for a year's supply at once versus ordering them for a month's supply and repeating this 12 times.

The cost of ordering a year's supply at once is $300.
The cost of ordering a month's supply 12 times is $30 x 12 = $<<30*12=360>>360.

Therefore, it is less expensive to order contact lenses per year, paying for 12 months at one time.

To determine which option is less expensive, let's calculate the total cost for each option:

1. Paying for a year's supply at one time:
Cost per year = $300
Total cost for 12 months = $300

2. Paying for a month's supply at a time:
Cost per month = $30
Total cost for 12 months = $30 x 12 = $360

Comparing the two options, paying for 12 months at one time is less expensive than paying for 1 month at a time. Therefore, it is more cost-effective to order contact lenses by paying for a year's supply at one time.

To determine which option is less expensive, let's calculate the total cost for each scenario:

Option 1: Paying for 12 months at one time
In this case, you would multiply the cost of one month's supply by 12:
12 months * $30 per month = $360

Option 2: Paying for 1 month at a time
Here, you would simply multiply the cost of a year's supply by 1:
1 year * $300 per year = $300

Based on these calculations, paying for 12 months at one time would cost $360, while paying for 1 month at a time would cost $300. Therefore, it is less expensive to order per year by paying for 1 month at a time.

At Office Zone, boxes of pencils come in different sizes. A box with 10 pencils costs $1.50, and a box with 25 pencils costs $2.75. What is the unit price for each box?(1 point)

The 10 count box is $
/pencil. The 25 count box is $

To find the unit price for each box, we divide the cost of the box by the number of pencils in the box.

For the box with 10 pencils:
Unit price = $1.50 ÷ 10 pencils = $0.15/pencil

For the box with 25 pencils:
Unit price = $2.75 ÷ 25 pencils = $0.11/pencil

The unit price for the 10 count box is $0.15/pencil and the unit price for the 25 count box is $0.11/pencil.

At Sugarland, king size candy bars are on sale at three for $1.50. The regular price is $0.75 each. How much will a customer save per candy bar with the sale?(1 point)


To find out how much a customer will save per candy bar with the sale, we need to compare the regular price to the sale price.

Regular price per candy bar: $0.75
Sale price per candy bar: $1.50 / 3 = $0.50

Amount saved per candy bar = Regular price per candy bar - Sale price per candy bar
Amount saved per candy bar = $0.75 - $0.50 = $0.25

Therefore, a customer will save $0.25 per candy bar with the sale.

Katrina is fostering a kitten and needs to purchase cat litter. Clean Cats costs $10 for a 25-pound bag, and Forever Fresh costs $18 for a 40-pound bag. What is the cost per pound of the better deal?(1 point)

The better deal costs $

To determine the cost per pound of the better deal, we need to compare the cost and weight of the two options.

For Clean Cats:
Cost: $10
Weight: 25 pounds

For Forever Fresh:
Cost: $18
Weight: 40 pounds

To find the cost per pound, we divide the cost by the weight:

Clean Cats: $10 ÷ 25 pounds = $0.4/pound
Forever Fresh: $18 ÷ 40 pounds = $0.45/pound

Comparing the two options, Clean Cats has a cost per pound of $0.4, while Forever Fresh has a cost per pound of $0.45.

Therefore, the better deal costs $0.40 per pound.

Jon is trying to decide where to buy discounted movie tickets. Costless sells a pack of 10 tickets for $70, and the website, Movies Unlimited, sells them at 8 tickets for $60. What is the unit price at each company? (1 point)

Costless pack of 10 is $
/ticket. Movies Unlimited pack of 8 is $