Drag the right word to its antonym

unit rate
coordinate plane

Drag the right word to its antonym:

variable - constant

unit rate - variable

constant - variable

coordinate plane - constant


To find the antonym for each word, we need to understand the meanings of the words first.

- Variable: A variable is a symbol or letter that represents an unknown value in mathematics or programming. It can change or vary.
- Unit Rate: A unit rate is the ratio of two different quantities, where the denominator is always 1. It represents the amount of one quantity for each unit of the other quantity.
- Constant: A constant is a value that does not change and remains the same in a mathematical or programming context.
- Coordinate Plane: A coordinate plane is a two-dimensional plane that consists of two perpendicular lines, the x-axis and y-axis. It is used to locate or plot points in a graph.

The antonym for each word can be determined as follows:

- Variable (Antonym: Constant): Since a variable can change or vary, its antonym would be a constant, which does not change.
- Unit Rate (Antonym: Not Applicable): The concept of a unit rate does not have a direct opposite or antonym because it represents a specific mathematical relationship.
- Constant (Antonym: Variable): A constant represents a value that does not change, so its antonym would be a variable, which can change or vary.
- Coordinate Plane (Antonym: Not Applicable): The concept of a coordinate plane does not have a direct opposite or antonym because it represents a graphical representation system.

Therefore, the correct antonyms for the given words would be:

- Variable: Constant
- Unit Rate: Not Applicable (N/A)
- Constant: Variable
- Coordinate Plane: Not Applicable (N/A)