The second part of the Declaration of Independence BEST exemplifies the __________.

A Division of PowersDivision of Powers
B Separation of PowersSeparation of Powers
C Natural Rights TheoryNatural Rights Theory
D Social Contract Theory

C Natural Rights Theory

C. Natural Rights Theory

To determine the answer to this question, we will need to analyze the second part of the Declaration of Independence to see which concept it best exemplifies.

The second part of the Declaration of Independence, also known as the "Grievances" section, lists the various complaints that the American colonists had against the British government. In this section, the colonists outline the violations of their rights and the oppressive actions taken by the British king, George III.

Considering this information, the concept that the second part of the Declaration of Independence best exemplifies is C) Natural Rights Theory. This theory emphasizes the idea that individuals possess certain inherent rights, including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These rights are not given by the government but are instead considered to be natural and unalienable.

In the "Grievances" section, the colonists highlight how their natural rights were being violated by the British government. They condemn policies such as taxation without representation, the quartering of troops, and the denial of trial by jury, among others. Through these grievances, the colonists assert their belief in the importance of natural rights and the necessity of protecting and preserving them.

Therefore, the second part of the Declaration of Independence best exemplifies the Natural Rights Theory.