Which of the following netiquette rules are unique to online learning?

Do not use capital letters when writing whole words or sentences  

Think carefully about what you share with others 

Do not post irrelevant or distracting messages in the chat box   

Make sure that the tone of your communication is respectfu

l and professional  

Avoid using excessive emojis or emoticons in your messages 

Participate actively in online discussions 

Do not interrupt or talk over others during virtual meetings 

Do not share sensitive or confidential information about yourself or others 

Be mindful of your online presence and how you represent yourself in virtual classrooms or forums  

Use proper grammar and spelling in your written communication 

Give proper credit to others' ideas or work by citing sources or providing acknowledgements 

Adhere to the established guidelines or rules of the online learning platform or course.

The netiquette rules that are unique to online learning are as follows:

1. Do not use capital letters when writing whole words or sentences: This rule is specific to online learning because using all capital letters can be considered as shouting or being aggressive in online communication. It is important to use appropriate capitalization to convey your message effectively.

2. Think carefully about what you share with others: Online learning typically involves sharing information, ideas, and resources with other students or instructors through various platforms. It is essential to think before sharing any personal, sensitive, or inappropriate content to maintain privacy and create a safe online learning environment.

3. Do not post irrelevant or distracting messages in the chat box: Online learning often involves real-time discussions and communication through chat boxes. It is important to stay focused on the topic being discussed and avoid posting unrelated or distracting messages that could disrupt the flow of the conversation or lesson.

4. Make sure that the tone of your communication is respectful: In online learning, much of the communication is written. It is crucial to maintain a respectful tone when interacting with peers, instructors, or any other individuals involved in the online learning environment. Avoid using offensive or disrespectful language, and always keep the discussion professional and courteous.

To determine which netiquette rules are unique to online learning, let's break down each of the given rules:

1. Do not use capital letters when writing whole words or sentences:
This rule is not unique to online learning in particular. It is a general netiquette rule to avoid using excessive capitalization as it is considered equivalent to shouting in online communication.

2. Think carefully about what you share with others:
This rule is also not unique to online learning. Considering what you share with others is a general rule for communicating responsibly and respectfully, both online and offline.

3. Do not post irrelevant or distracting messages in the chat box:
This rule is more specific to online learning. In an online learning environment where the chat box is commonly used for discussion or asking questions, it is important to refrain from posting messages that are not relevant to the topic or may distract others from their learning objectives.

4. Make sure that the tone of your communication is respectful:
While being respectful in communication applies to various settings, including online learning, it is worth noting that the online environment may have additional challenges. As there is no face-to-face interaction and the tone can easily be misinterpreted, it is crucial to pay special attention to the tone to ensure respectful communication online.

Therefore, out of the given options, "Do not post irrelevant or distracting messages in the chat box" is the netiquette rule that is unique to online learning.