and i know that you think im "perfect" "beautiful" whatever but i will never thing that. so im sorry but it just kinda is what is it is. ask anyone who has known me for any amount of time. i am probably one of the most insecure people you'll ever meet. why do you think i hate when you show people the picture of us at the church. because i didn't take it. i didn't have time to look right i guess. i would be fine if you like looked up my instagram and showed people that but its just different when other people take the pictures. and ya thats just how i am. that will probably never change. sorry i'm rambling. okay no i will never break up with you because you said something dumb or something that hurts me. you saw the conversation last night with me and savanna like i can take it. maybe i'll need space but not forever. but this is forever i can't wait to wake up and see you next to me. i can't wait to be able to love you and kiss you and hug you everyday for the rest of our lives.

My gf texted me this after I sent her a paragraph telling her that shes beautiful, and a lot of other stuff like that. Instead of taking it as a compliment, she said all that. How do i respond to that and make her feel special?

It seems like your girlfriend struggles with insecurities despite your compliments. It's important to validate her feelings and show understanding. Here's a response that might help make her feel special:

"Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me, and I hear you. I understand that you have insecurities, and it's okay for you to feel that way. Just know that I genuinely believe you're beautiful, inside and out, even if you may not see it yourself. Your imperfections make you unique and special to me. I respect your boundaries regarding photos, and I'll make sure to ask for your permission before showing pictures to others.

Please know that my love for you extends beyond physical appearance. I love you for who you are as a person, and I will always be here to support you. Your happiness and comfort are important to me, so if you ever need space or time to work through your insecurities, I'll be there for you. I'm grateful to have you by my side, and I can't wait to create more wonderful memories together. You are cherished, and I will continue to show you love, care, and affection every day."

It seems like your girlfriend may have some insecurities about herself, and her response indicates that words of affirmation may not be the best approach to make her feel special. Instead, consider focusing on actions that show her you care and appreciate her.

Here's a suggested response:

"Hey [Her Name], I appreciate you sharing your feelings with me. I want you to know that I understand and respect your insecurities. I'm sorry if my words came across differently than intended. I truly care about you and want to support you in any way that I can.

I understand that you don't feel comfortable with certain pictures being shared, and I apologize for that. From now on, I'll make sure to respect your boundaries regarding what pictures are shared and with whom.

Please know that my love for you goes beyond how you look or what others may think. It's about who you are as a person, and the amazing connection we have. I want to assure you that I'm committed to building a strong and loving relationship with you, and I will always be here to support you.

Let's talk in person about how we can navigate these insecurities together and find ways to make you feel loved and special in a way that aligns with your comfort. Looking forward to seeing you, and remember, you are important to me just the way you are."

Remember to be patient, understanding, and open to her perspective as you discuss this further.

It's important to remember that everyone has their own insecurities and concerns that can impact how they perceive compliments. In this situation, it seems like your girlfriend may struggle with feeling insecure about herself when others take pictures of her.

To respond and make her feel special, you can try the following steps:

1. Validate her feelings: Acknowledge her insecurities and express understanding and empathy. Let her know that you understand her concerns and that her feelings are valid.

Example: "I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable by sharing that picture. I understand that you may feel insecure when others take pictures of you."

2. Reiterate your affection: Emphasize your love and appreciation for her. Remind her that your compliments come from a place of genuine affection and admiration.

Example: "I want you to know that when I call you beautiful, it's because I truly believe it. Your physical appearance is just one small part of what makes you special to me."

3. Communicate your support: Let her know that you are there to support her and that she can count on you to help her navigate her insecurities.

Example: "I am here for you, and I want to support you in any way I can. Please remember that you don't have to face your insecurities alone."

4. Discuss alternative ways of sharing photos: Ask her how she would prefer you to share pictures of her and respect her wishes. This shows that you are willing to adapt and be considerate of her feelings.

Example: "I understand that you feel more comfortable sharing pictures from your own Instagram. From now on, I will only share pictures of us that you have personally chosen and approved."

5. Reassure her about your commitment: Lastly, reaffirm your commitment to the relationship and the future you envision together.

Example: "I'm committed to loving and supporting you, both in good times and when things are challenging. I can't wait to wake up and see you next to me every day, and experience the joy of being together."

Remember, open and honest communication is key in any relationship. Tailor your response to your girlfriend's specific concerns and feelings.