Select the correct word to complete the sentence. _____refers to a study of how people try to live their lives according to a standard of “right” or “wrong” behaviour.






The correct word to complete the sentence is "Ethics".

To find the correct word, the first step is to understand the sentence and identify the missing word. In this case, the sentence is asking for a word that refers to the study of how people try to live their lives according to a standard of "right" or "wrong" behavior.

Next, you can review the options provided:

- Ethics: This word directly relates to the study of moral principles or standards of conduct.
- Virtuosity: This word refers to great skill or expertise, but it does not pertain to the study of right or wrong behavior.
- Morality: This word aligns with the definition given in the sentence, as it refers to principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior.
- Philosophy: This word refers to the study of fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, values, and reason, but it is not specifically focused on the study of right or wrong behavior.

Comparing the definition of each option to the sentence, we can conclude that the correct word to complete the sentence is "Ethics".

The correct word to complete the sentence is "Morality."