How were European economies impacted by trade with Asia?(1 point) Responses They grew wealthy and purchased many artistic and luxury goods. They grew wealthy and purchased many artistic and luxury goods. They experienced economic depression due to their own goods being devalued. They experienced economic depression due to their own goods being devalued. They made millions through the sale of luxury goods. They made millions through the sale of luxury goods. They were motivated to form permanent colonies in Asia after growing immense wealth

They grew wealthy and purchased many artistic and luxury goods.

European economies were impacted by trade with Asia in multiple ways. One significant impact was that they grew wealthy due to the trade. This wealth allowed them to purchase many artistic and luxury goods from Asia, which were highly sought after in Europe. Additionally, the influx of Asian goods into European markets led to some economic depression, as the value of European goods was often devalued when compared to the more exotic and luxurious Asian goods. However, despite these challenges, European merchants and traders were able to make millions through the sale of these luxury goods. The immense wealth generated from trade with Asia also motivated European countries to establish permanent colonies in Asia, in order to secure their access to valuable resources and enhance their economic power.

European economies were significantly impacted by trade with Asia in several ways. One major impact was that they grew wealthy, which allowed them to purchase many artistic and luxury goods from Asia. This influx of goods contributed to the wealth and opulence of European societies.

To get this answer, we can analyze historical records and accounts of European trade with Asia during the time period in question. Scholars and historians have extensively studied this topic and have documented the economic impact of the trade on European economies.

Additionally, the idea that European goods were devalued leading to economic depression is not supported by historical evidence. In fact, the trade with Asia brought in valuable goods and resources that contributed to economic growth, rather than devaluation.

Furthermore, the claim that Europeans made millions through the sale of luxury goods is more of a general statement and may vary depending on specific contexts and individual traders. It is important to note that not all Europeans became incredibly wealthy through trade with Asia.

Lastly, it is true that growing wealth from trade with Asia did motivate European nations to establish permanent colonies in Asia. The desire to secure resources, establish trade monopolies, and gain political control played a significant role in the colonization of Asia by European powers.

In summary, trade with Asia had a profound impact on European economies, leading to wealth accumulation, increased consumption of luxury goods, and the establishment of permanent colonies in Asia. To understand the specific impacts, it is crucial to analyze historical records and research conducted by scholars and historians in the field.

Describe Africa’s role in the global economy during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.(1 point)

Africans in the Kingdom of Kongo primarily profited off of the slave trade with Asia.
Africans sold pottery, silks, glassware, and porcelain to Asia and the Middle East.
Africans sold enslaved people to the Middle East to do hard labor.
Africa sold gold, ivory, and enslaved people while under the control of Portugal.

Africa played a significant role in the global economy during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. One major aspect of Africa's involvement was the slave trade. Africans were captured and sold as enslaved individuals to various regions, including the Middle East. This trade in enslaved people served as a significant source of economic profit for Africans and contributed to the global wealth accumulation during this period.

Additionally, Africa was a source of valuable resources such as gold and ivory. These resources were highly sought after by European powers, particularly Portugal, who had control over various African territories. Africans sold these resources to Portuguese traders, further enriching both African traders and the Portuguese empire.

It is important to note that while Africa's role in the global economy during this time was significant, it was often exploitative and detrimental to African societies. Enslaved people were forcibly taken from their homes and subjected to inhumane conditions, causing immense suffering and disruption to African communities.

In summary, Africa played a crucial role in the global economy during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries through the trade in enslaved people as well as the export of valuable resources such as gold and ivory. However, it is crucial to acknowledge the devastating impact of the slave trade on African societies and the lasting consequences it had on the continent.