A city lunch program for seniors received a grant of 1.925 x 10^6 dollars. Divide that figure by the cost of $2.75 per lunch to find out how many senior lunches the grant can provide. Write the answer in scientific notation.

1. 0.7 x 10^6
2. 7 x 10^5
3. 0.7 x 10^5
4. 7 x 10^6

To find out how many senior lunches the grant can provide, we need to divide the grant amount by the cost per lunch.

1.925 x 10^6 dollars ÷ $2.75 per lunch = 7 x 10^5 lunches

Therefore, the answer is 2. 7 x 10^5.

To find out how many senior lunches the grant can provide, you need to divide the grant amount by the cost per lunch.

Given that the grant amount is 1.925 x 10^6 dollars and the cost per lunch is $2.75, you can divide the grant amount by the cost per lunch:

(1.925 x 10^6) / ($2.75)

To simplify this expression, convert both the grant amount and the cost per lunch to scientific notation:

1.925 x 10^6 = (1.925) x (10^6)
$2.75 = $2.75 x 10^0

Now you can perform the division:

(1.925 x 10^6) / ($2.75 x 10^0)

To divide the numbers, divide 1.925 by 2.75:

1.925 / 2.75 = 0.7

To divide the powers of 10, subtract the exponent of the divisor from the exponent of the dividend:

10^6 / 10^0 = 10^(6-0) = 10^6

So the final result is 0.7 x 10^6.

Therefore, the correct answer is option 1: 0.7 x 10^6.

To find out how many senior lunches the grant can provide, we need to divide the grant amount ($1.925 x 10^6) by the cost per lunch ($2.75).

Dividing $1.925 x 10^6 by $2.75, we get:

(1.925 x 10^6) / (2.75) = 7 x 10^5

The answer is option 2: 7 x 10^5.