What do unbalanced forces do?(1 point)

Unbalanced forces cannot change an object’s direction.
Unbalanced forces cause an object’s motion to change.
.Unbalanced forces allow an object’s motion to stay the same.
Unbalanced forces can make an object move in the opposite direction of the force that is applied.

Unbalanced forces cause an object’s motion to change.

The correct answer is: Unbalanced forces cause an object's motion to change.

To determine the correct answer, you need to understand the concept of balanced and unbalanced forces.

When multiple forces act on an object at the same time, they can either be balanced or unbalanced forces.

Balanced forces are forces that cancel each other out, resulting in no change in the object's motion. For example, if two people push a box with equal force in opposite directions, the box will not move because the forces are balanced.

On the other hand, unbalanced forces are forces that do not cancel each other out, causing a change in the object's motion. If the forces acting on the box are unbalanced, such as if one person is pushing the box with greater force than the other person, the box will start moving in the direction of the stronger force.

In the given options, unbalanced forces causing an object's motion to change is the correct answer. Unbalanced forces can make an object move in the opposite direction of the force that is applied, but they can also make it move in the same direction or cause it to stop, depending on the specific forces involved.

Unbalanced forces cause an object's motion to change.