In a given year, about 1.52 x 10^10 pieces of first-class mail are delivered in the U.S. If each piece of mail carries a stamp costing $0.55, what is the total cost in dollars to deliver all the pieces? Write the answer in scientific notation, expressed to the exact decimal place.

To find the total cost to deliver all the pieces of mail, we need to multiply the number of pieces by the cost of a stamp:

1.52 x 10^10 * $0.55.

To multiply these numbers, we multiply the decimal parts and add the exponents:

1.52 * 0.55 x 10^10 = 0.836 x 10^10.

Multiplying the decimal part gives 0.836.

Therefore, the total cost to deliver all the pieces of mail is $0.836 x 10^10.

To find the total cost to deliver all the pieces of first-class mail, we can multiply the number of pieces by the cost of each stamp.

First, let's convert the given number of pieces of mail, 1.52 x 10^10, to standard notation. This can be done by multiplying the coefficient (1.52) by 10 raised to the exponent (10).

1.52 x 10^10 = 15,200,000,000

Next, we multiply the number of pieces of mail (15,200,000,000) by the cost of each stamp ($0.55):

15,200,000,000 * $0.55 = $8,360,000,000

The total cost to deliver all the pieces of mail is $8,360,000,000.

Now, let's write this answer in scientific notation, expressed to the exact decimal place.

The decimal point in $8,360,000,000 can be moved three places to the left to represent the value in scientific notation:

$8,360,000,000 = $8.36 x 10^9

Therefore, the total cost to deliver all the pieces of mail is $8.36 x 10^9.

To find the total cost, we need to multiply the number of pieces of mail by the cost of each stamp.

Given information:
Number of pieces of mail = 1.52 x 10^10
Cost of each stamp = $0.55

To find the total cost, we need to multiply these two quantities:

Total Cost = Number of pieces of mail * Cost of each stamp
= (1.52 x 10^10) * ($0.55)

To multiply these two numbers, we can multiply the decimal parts and add the exponents:

Total Cost = (1.52 * $0.55) x 10^(10+0)

Calculating the decimal part:
1.52 * $0.55 = $0.836

Therefore, the total cost to deliver all the pieces of mail is $0.836 x 10^(10+0) or $8.36 x 10^9.