An alloy of brass is composed of 84.6% copper, 5.20% tin, 6.70% lead, and zinc. What is the number of pounds of zinc required to make 520.0 pounds of alloy?

The percentage of zinc in the alloy is the difference between 100% and the sum of the other percentages: 100% - 84.6% - 5.20% - 6.70% = 3.50%.

The weight of the zinc required is 3.50% of 520.0 pounds: 3.50% * 520.0 pounds = 0.035 * 520.0 pounds = 18.2 pounds. Answer: \boxed{18.2}.

To find the number of pounds of zinc required to make 520.0 pounds of alloy, we need to calculate the weight percentage of zinc in the alloy.

- Alloy of brass is composed of 84.6% copper, 5.20% tin, 6.70% lead, and an unknown percentage of zinc.
- The total weight percentage of these components adds up to 100%.

To determine the percentage of zinc, we subtract the sum of the weights of copper, tin, and lead from 100%:

Percentage of zinc = 100% - (84.6% + 5.20% + 6.70%)
Percentage of zinc = 3.5%

Now we can calculate the weight of zinc required to make 520.0 pounds of alloy:
Weight of zinc = (Percentage of zinc / 100) x Total weight of alloy
Weight of zinc = (3.5% / 100) x 520.0 pounds
Weight of zinc = 0.035 x 520.0 pounds
Weight of zinc = 18.20 pounds

Therefore, you would need 18.20 pounds of zinc to make 520.0 pounds of the alloy.

To find the number of pounds of zinc required to make 520.0 pounds of alloy, we need to determine the percentage of zinc in the alloy.

We are given the composition of the alloy as follows:
- Copper: 84.6%
- Tin: 5.20%
- Lead: 6.70%
- Zinc: ?

To find the percentage of zinc, we can subtract the percentages of copper, tin, and lead from 100%. Let's calculate:

Percentage of zinc = 100% - (percentage of copper + percentage of tin + percentage of lead)

Percentage of zinc = 100% - (84.6% + 5.20% + 6.70%) = 100% - 96.5% = 3.5%

Therefore, the alloy contains 3.5% zinc.

Now, let's calculate the number of pounds of zinc required:

Weight of zinc = (Percentage of zinc / 100) * Weight of alloy

Weight of zinc = (3.5 / 100) * 520.0 pounds

Weight of zinc = 0.035 * 520.0 pounds

Weight of zinc = 18.2 pounds

Therefore, to make 520.0 pounds of alloy, you would require 18.2 pounds of zinc.