What event set in motion the chain of events known as the Columbian Exchange?

a. The Industrial Revolution

b. The Renaissance

c. Christopher Columbus landing in the Caribbean in 1492

d. The Silk Road reopening

c. Christopher Columbus landing in the Caribbean in 1492

The correct answer is c. Christopher Columbus landing in the Caribbean in 1492.

The event that set in motion the chain of events known as the Columbian Exchange is option c - Christopher Columbus landing in the Caribbean in 1492. The Columbian Exchange refers to the widespread exchange of goods, ideas, people, plants, animals, and diseases between the Old World (Europe, Africa, Asia) and the New World (the Americas) following Columbus' arrival. This event marked the beginning of European colonization of the Americas and had profound and far-reaching impacts on both sides of the Atlantic. To get this answer, you would need to have knowledge of historical events and their chronological order.