this article provides an understanding on Byzantium and the West and how they clashed over cultural differences, with Greeks viewing westerners and violent and Europeans seeing Byzantines as deceitful. make this sound like a 12th grader wrote it

This article delves into the intriguing clash between Byzantium and the West, shedding light on the cultural differences that fueled their conflicts. The Greeks perceived westerners as prone to violence and aggression, while Europeans saw the Byzantines as being deceitful in their ways. This clash of perspectives offers a captivating insight into the attitudes that shaped interactions between these two distinct civilizations.

This article gives us insights into the clash between Byzantium and the West due to their cultural differences. The Greeks perceived the Westerners as aggressive and violent, while the Europeans saw the Byzantines as being deceitful. To make it sound like a 12th grader wrote it, I would simplify and rephrase the sentences using more casual language:

In this article, we learn about the clash between Byzantium and the West because they had different cultures. The Greeks thought that Westerners were violent and aggressive, while Europeans believed that the Byzantines were tricky and dishonest.

This article aims to shed light on the historical conflict between Byzantium and the West, focusing on the clash of their distinct cultures. The Greeks held a perception of westerners as prone to violence, while Europeans viewed Byzantines with suspicion, considering them to be untrustworthy. This clash of cultural perspectives became a notable point of contention.