14x ≤ 10,000

Solve this inequality and choose the graph of the solution.
* Make sure to round to the nearest dollar.

To solve the inequality 14x ≤ 10,000, we need to isolate x. We can do this by dividing both sides of the inequality by 14:

x ≤ 10,000/14
x ≤ 714.29

Rounding this to the nearest dollar, we get x ≤ $714.

The graph of the solution can be represented by a closed circle at $714 and shading everything to the left of that point, indicating that x is less than or equal to $714.

To solve the inequality 14x ≤ 10,000, we need to isolate x.

Step 1: Divide both sides of the inequality by 14:
14x/14 ≤ 10,000/14
x ≤ 714.29

Step 2: Round x to the nearest dollar:
x ≤ $714

The solution to the inequality is x ≤ $714. To graph the solution, we can draw a number line with a closed dot at $714 and shade the region to the left of the dot.

To solve the inequality 14x ≤ 10,000, we need to divide both sides of the inequality by 14 to isolate the variable x.

14x ≤ 10,000

Divide both sides by 14:

x ≤ 10,000 / 14

Simplify the right side:

x ≤ 714.29

Now, let's round the solution to the nearest dollar. Since we are dealing with money, we round up to the nearest dollar when the decimal portion is 0.5 or greater, and round down when the decimal portion is less than 0.5.

After rounding, we have:

x ≤ $714

Now, let's graph the solution on a number line. Since x must be less than or equal to 714, we will use a closed circle at 714 and shade to the left to represent all values of x that satisfy the inequality.

The graph represents all values of x that make the inequality 14x ≤ 10,000 true.