Which of the following is a problem associated with free

trade? (1 point)
increased tensions between countries as they become
more self-reliant
increased prices due to more stringent environmental
loss of local jobs to international competition
higher consumer prices due to intensified competition
between producers

loss of local jobs to international competition

The problem associated with free trade from the given options is the loss of local jobs to international competition.

The problem associated with free trade from the given options is the loss of local jobs to international competition. To understand this, let's break down each option:

1. Increased tensions between countries as they become more self-reliant: This option is not directly related to free trade. Free trade promotes interdependence between countries, reducing tensions by encouraging mutual benefits through trade.

2. Increased prices due to more stringent environmental protections: While it is true that more stringent environmental protections can increase production costs, this is not a direct problem associated with free trade. Environmental protections can be implemented regardless of trade agreements, and their impact on prices depends on various factors.

3. Loss of local jobs to international competition: This option directly addresses a significant problem associated with free trade. When countries engage in free trade, domestic industries face competition from international markets. This competition can lead to the closure or downsizing of local businesses, resulting in job losses.

4. Higher consumer prices due to intensified competition between producers: While intense competition can have an impact on consumer prices, it is not a direct problem associated with free trade. Prices are determined by various factors such as production costs, market demand, and competition, and can fluctuate regardless of trade policies.

Therefore, the correct answer is the provision stating the loss of local jobs to international competition.