Which of the state shapes is most rare? (1 point)

compact states
perforated states
protruded states
elongated states

Perforated states are the most rare state shape.

The most rare state shape is perforated states. Perforated states are those that completely surround and enclose another state within their boundaries. There are very few examples of perforated states in the world, with Lesotho being one of the most well-known examples.

To determine the most rare state shape, we need to understand the characteristics of each type of state shape and then examine how frequently they occur.

1. Compact states: These states have a relatively round or square shape, with their territorial boundaries enclosing a roughly equal land area. Examples include countries like Poland and Hungary. Compact states are relatively common, as they tend to provide a more manageable territorial shape for governance and administration.

2. Perforated states: Perforated states are countries that entirely surround another independent country. Essentially, one country envelopes another within its borders, creating an enclave. For instance, South Africa is a perforated state as it surrounds Lesotho. Perforated states are relatively rare compared to compact states, as they require a specific geographical situation to occur.

3. Protruded states: These states have a significant land projection extending outward from the main body of the territory. An example is Thailand, which has a long peninsula extending into the Gulf of Thailand. Protruded states are also relatively uncommon, occurring when geographical factors like coastlines or borders with neighboring countries result in a protrusion.

4. Elongated states: Elongated states have an elongated and narrow shape. Chile in South America is a prime example of an elongated state. While elongated states are less common than compact states, they are more frequent compared to perforated states and protruded states.

Based on the above information, we can conclude that perforated states are the most rare state shape since they require a unique geographical setup for one country to completely surround another.