Sternberg’s concept of practical intelligence is most directly related to

A-Information processing
B-Multiple intelligence
C-Overall sucess in living
D-Emotional intelligence

C-Overall success in living

To determine which answer choice is most directly related to Sternberg's concept of practical intelligence, let's break down each option and see which one aligns best.

A- Information Processing refers to how individuals perceive, store, and retrieve information. While practical intelligence does involve cognitive processes, it is not solely focused on information processing.

B- Multiple Intelligence is a theory proposed by Howard Gardner, which suggests that intelligence is not a single, fixed trait but rather encompasses various abilities, such as linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic intelligence. Although practical intelligence could be seen as a facet of overall intelligence, it is not directly related to the concept of multiple intelligence.

C- Overall Success in Living is closely aligned with practical intelligence. Practical intelligence is specifically concerned with the ability to adapt to and succeed in real-life situations. Therefore, this answer choice is a strong contender.

D- Emotional Intelligence refers to the ability to recognize, understand, and manage one's own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. While emotional intelligence is valuable in navigating social situations, it is a separate construct from practical intelligence.

Based on the explanations above, the answer choice that is most directly related to Sternberg's concept of practical intelligence is C- Overall Success in Living. Practical intelligence focuses on the ability to apply knowledge, solve problems, and adapt to real-world situations, which are essential for achieving overall success in various domains of life.

C-Overall success in living