Since 99% Canadians can blank and blank they enjoy high standard living

Since 99% of Canadians can access education and healthcare, they enjoy a high standard of living.

Since 99% Canadians can access quality education and healthcare, they enjoy a high standard of living.

Since 99% of Canadians can "blank" and "blank," they enjoy a high standard of living.

To properly answer this question, we need to fill in the two blanks with appropriate activities or skills that are commonly possessed by Canadians. However, without specific information about the blanks, it's challenging to provide an accurate response.

To find out what activities or skills can be filled in the blanks and contribute to a high standard of living for Canadians, we can utilize several methods:

1. Conduct research: Look for statistics or credible sources that highlight the activities or skills commonly possessed by Canadians. This can be done by searching online, exploring government websites, or referring to reports or studies on Canadian living standards.

2. Analyze data: Examine data related to Canadian living standards, such as income levels, education, employment rates, healthcare access, or other metrics that determine a high standard of living. By analyzing this data, we may find information about the specific activities or skills that contribute to Canada's high standard of living.

3. Seek expert opinions: Consult experts in the field of living standards, such as economists, sociologists, or policymakers who have knowledge and insights into what activities or skills are essential for Canadians to enjoy a high standard of living.

By utilizing these methods, we can gather information and find specific activities or skills that help contribute to the high standard of living enjoyed by Canadians.