Which of the following is a fossil fuel? (1 point)



The fossil fuel in the given options is coal.

To determine which of the following is a fossil fuel, you need to have an understanding of what fossil fuels are. Fossil fuels are energy sources that are formed from the remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago. They are found underground and take millions of years to form.

Now let's evaluate the options:

1. Hydro: Hydro refers to hydroelectric power, which is generated from the force of moving water, such as rivers or waterfalls. Hydroelectric power is not a fossil fuel.

2. Solar: Solar energy is derived from the sun's rays and converted into electricity using solar panels. Solar energy is not a fossil fuel.

3. Coal: Coal is indeed a fossil fuel. It is a black, combustible rock that forms over millions of years from plant remains that were buried and subjected to high amounts of pressure and heat underground.

4. Wind: Wind power is harnessed by capturing the kinetic energy of the wind using wind turbines. It is a renewable energy source and does not involve the use of fossil fuels.

Therefore, the correct answer is coal, as it is the only option listed that represents a fossil fuel.