At the beginning of Act III, Scene 1 in Macbeth, what is Banquo

(1 point)
if Macbeth will kill him
if he will become king
if the witches lied to Macbeth
if Macbeth took the crown unjustly

At the beginning of Act III, Scene 1 in Macbeth, Banquo is wondering if Macbeth will kill him.

At the beginning of Act III, Scene 1 in Macbeth, Banquo is wondering if the witches lied to Macbeth.

To determine what Banquo is wondering at the beginning of Act III, Scene 1 in Macbeth, we can analyze the text and identify his thoughts and concerns. To do so, you can follow these steps:

1. Access a reliable source: You can find the play "Macbeth" by William Shakespeare in various formats, including printed books or online platforms that provide access to the script.

2. Locate Act III, Scene 1: In most editions, the play is divided into acts and scenes that are labeled accordingly. Navigate to Act III, Scene 1 to read the dialogue.

3. Read Banquo's lines: Pay close attention to Banquo's dialogues in this particular scene. Look for any statements or questions that suggest his thoughts and wonderings.

4. Analyze the text: Look for specific phrases or expressions that indicate Banquo's thoughts. Consider the context and previous events in the play to better understand his concerns.

Based on the options you provided, the correct answer would be: Banquo is wondering if the witches lied to Macbeth. By reading Banquo's dialogue carefully, you can find evidence to support this answer.