According to Erik Erikson, generativity versus stagnation is the typical challenge of

B-Old âge
C-Middle adulthood
D-Early adulthood

C-Middle adulthood

C-Middle adulthood

According to Erik Erikson, generativity versus stagnation is the typical challenge of C- Middle adulthood.

To arrive at this answer, we need to understand Erikson's psychosocial development theory and the stages he proposed. Erik Erikson proposed eight stages of psychosocial development that individuals go through across their lifespan.

In the stage of generativity versus stagnation, which typically occurs during middle adulthood (roughly ages 40 to 65), individuals face the challenge of finding meaning and purpose in their lives by contributing to society and future generations. Generativity involves leaving a positive legacy through activities such as raising a family, mentoring others, or making contributions in one's profession or community.

Stagnation, on the other hand, refers to a state of feeling stuck or unproductive, where individuals have not made significant contributions or have not found meaning in their lives.

By understanding Erikson's theory and the different stages of psychosocial development, we can determine that generativity versus stagnation is the typical challenge of middle adulthood, making option C - Middle adulthood the correct answer.