Joseph typed 60 words on in 1 1/3 minutes what is his average typing speed in words per minute

To find Joseph's average typing speed in words per minute, we need to determine the number of words he types in one minute.

Given that he typed 60 words in 1 1/3 minutes, we first have to convert 1 1/3 minutes to an improper fraction.

1 1/3 can be written as (3/3) + (1/3) = 4/3.

So Joseph typed 60 words in 4/3 minutes.

To find his average typing speed per minute, we divide the number of words typed (60) by the time taken (4/3 minutes):

(60) / (4/3) = (60) * (3/4) = 45.

Therefore, Joseph's average typing speed is 45 words per minute.

To find Joseph's average typing speed, we need to divide the total number of words he typed by the time it took him.

We know that Joseph typed 60 words in 1 1/3 minutes.

To convert 1 1/3 minutes to an improper fraction, we multiply the whole number (1) by the denominator (3), add the numerator (1) and put the result over the denominator: 1 x 3 + 1 = 3 + 1 = 4. So, 1 1/3 minutes is equal to 4/3 minutes.

Now, we can calculate his average typing speed by dividing the total number of words (60) by the time (4/3 minutes):

60 words ÷ 4/3 minutes = 60 words ÷ (4/3) minutes = 60 words × (3/4) minutes

To simplify the division, we can cancel out a common factor of 3:

= 60 × 3/4
= (60 × 3) / 4
= 180 / 4
= 45

So, Joseph's average typing speed is 45 words per minute.

To calculate Joseph's average typing speed in words per minute, we need to divide the total number of words typed by the total time taken.

In this case, Joseph typed 60 words in 1 1/3 minutes. We need to convert the mixed number 1 1/3 to an improper fraction.

To convert it, we multiply the whole number (1) by the denominator of the fraction (3) and then add the numerator (1). This gives us:

1 * 3 + 1 = 4

So, 1 1/3 is equal to 4/3.

Now let's calculate Joseph's typing speed:

Number of words typed = 60
Total time taken = 4/3 minutes

To find the typing speed in words per minute, we divide the number of words typed by the time taken:

Typing speed = Number of words typed / Total time taken
= 60 / (4/3)

To divide by a fraction, we multiply by its reciprocal:

Typing speed = 60 * (3/4)
= 180/4
= 45

Therefore, Joseph's average typing speed is 45 words per minute.