Kenny can swim 11/15 mile in 1/3 hour what is his average swimming speed in miles per hour .

To find Kenny's average swimming speed in miles per hour, we need to divide the distance he can swim by the time it takes him to swim that distance.

Distance: 11/15 mile
Time: 1/3 hour

Speed = Distance / Time
Speed = (11/15) / (1/3)
Speed = (11/15) * (3/1)
Speed = 11 * 3 / 15
Speed = 33/15
Speed = 2.2 miles per hour

Kenny's average swimming speed is 2.2 miles per hour.

To find Kenny's average swimming speed in miles per hour, we need to divide the distance he can swim by the time it takes him to swim that distance.

Step 1: Convert the fraction of a mile to a decimal.
11/15 mile = 0.733 mile (rounded to three decimal places)

Step 2: Convert the fraction of an hour to a decimal.
1/3 hour = 0.333 hour (rounded to three decimal places)

Step 3: Divide the distance by the time.
0.733 mile / 0.333 hour = 2.20 miles per hour (rounded to two decimal places)

Therefore, Kenny's average swimming speed is 2.20 miles per hour.

To find Kenny's average swimming speed in miles per hour, we need to divide the distance he swam by the time it took him.

First, let's find how many miles Kenny swam. We are given that he can swim 11/15 mile.

Next, let's find how long it took Kenny to swim. We are given that he can swim 1/3 hour.

Now, we can calculate Kenny's average swimming speed in miles per hour by dividing the distance he swam by the time it took him:

Average Speed = Distance / Time

Average Speed = (11/15) mile / (1/3) hour

To divide fractions, we can multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction:

Average Speed = (11/15) mile * (3/1) / (1/3) hour

Simplifying the calculation:

Average Speed = (11/15) * (3/1) / (1/3)

Average Speed = (33/15) / (1/3)

Dividing the numerators and denominators:

Average Speed = (33/15) * (3/1)

Average Speed = 99/15

Simplifying the fraction:

Average Speed = 6.6

Therefore, Kenny's average swimming speed is 6.6 miles per hour.